It's not dusk yet

It's not dusk yet

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Stand

You stood before creation
Eternity within Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand

You stood before my failure
Carried the Cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I’ll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all

So I’ll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours
Show me Your heart
Show me Your way
Show me Your glory

Not much time to blog these days. But just wanna share my love to all you people out there who feel that the world has turned upside down, that there is no hope, that life just plain sucks cos of projects, assignments and tests that you don't even know why you exist anymore.

I've felt that way too, but I've found peace. Because He loves me. Because He is there. Because He walks with me.

God is Love.

Are you seeking love today?

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