It's not dusk yet

It's not dusk yet

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

im not ready with my resolutions

ok, 1st blog of the year! as the title suggests, i'm not done with my resolutions yet(they are also rather private la) but one of them is definitely to blog more often. however i'm the sort of person who needs inspiration to write, or i will be quite lazy. they call it writer's block, to blog. heh. coming from meta camp2007, realised that blogging and the internet can be very influential. the average person spends at least 2 hours online everyday. ok i made up the statistics=p this is the internet age man, no mistake about that.
this means that by using the internet, we can win more people to Christ. i was stunned to know that the two most frequently searched topics on the net are God and sex. man, i have always thought it was harry potter. i don't seek to preach through blogging, but i hope that people will be able to see how God is reflected in my life. For God is undeniably a big big part of my life and i want people to get to know this wonderful creator. plunder hell, populate heaven=)
anyway, this holidays have been rather reflective for me. with meta camp and all, there's been much giving me things to think about. about how i'm living my life now, certain lifestyles which need changing and about what i will do in the future. realised that i have been putting a lot on hold for quite a long time. in other words, procrastination is my middle name. i also realised that there are quite a number of issues deep within that need God's healing hand. things that i've never taken notice of. time to start opening the dam.
as i reflect, i also realised that God has been very good throughout the year. even though i can't say that it has been a very good, peaceful year without troubles and trials, but i think that the important thing is that God has seen me through and helped me grow a lot through these things.
to put it simplistically, this has been a year of learning and growth for me. learning to love, learning more about myself, learning more about my identity in Christ alone, learning to see things from Christ's perspective and last but not least, learning to let go and let God. my mission trip to Thailand has been a big part of this change and moulding. and i guess through the daily struggles i am growing as well, though not realising it.
there definitely have been some regrets. there have been many times i have fallen and turned my back on Him. but that loving grace and can never find another who is more ready to forgive and nourish a sinner with love and completeness than this God. another regret is neglecting of many people that i love. i still have not mastered managing my time very well and through busyness, i often neglect important things. its a bad excuse, i know, trying to assert i'm not a multitasking sort of girl. but i hope you can give me the chance to make it up to you. forgive me, dear friends. =)
hmm despite the amount of time i have to reflect, sadly it doesnt seem enough still. time is always a luxury that cannot be extended or increased. but i know that this coming year will be one which i will continue to struggle, yet one in which i will continue to grow in. no matter what, i'm very sure it will also be one full of surprises. for i have a God who is really incomprehendable and also very humourous.
blessed new year u faithful and patient(i still can't believe anyone would venture to a stagnant blog in hope of catching its old owner trying to secretly blog again. none but YOU man) readers!
you have been rewarded. hiak hiak.

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