It's not dusk yet

It's not dusk yet

Monday, September 01, 2008

the human stain

Ever had one of those moments? When you decide to do something that is against all logic but you decide to do it anyway because you just wanna...rebel or prove something? First the impulse, then the resolve and there goes the action, and you are like "Why on EARTH did I do that??"
It's late, I was just not really awake, looking at pictures on facebook and that zit on my nose in the mirror with disdain, I got so annoyed I decided to.... cut my fringe. With little consideration.
I thought it would be a good idea somehow, as if cutting my fringe would cover the zit on my nose or make my hair just as straight as the one on facebook. It just didn't make sense. Anyway I felt kinda smug as I snipped off part of the fringe(in a rather strategic spot), even bothering to slant the angle of the sissors as though I was quite professional. And now I realised that I had actually done a really stupid thing. I had cut my fringe against my normal hair parting.
And now I have to live with my whole hair parting changed from left to right.

Indeed, we live the consequences of our actions.

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