It's not dusk yet

It's not dusk yet

Friday, January 26, 2007

out of the ordinary

I'm in my hall room now, flopping around(as angeline likes to put it). Just ate cup noodles, cos i skipped lunch. I think i must be crazy to have put 2 tutorials and 1 lecture in a row man, so that its like Japanese lang 9-10, PS tutorial 10-12, genes lecture 12-2. hiongz. See, my stupidity astounds me. Whoever would cram all tutorials into one whole week? So i'm left such that i have a very heavy odd week where i have classes from 10-6 on tues, wed and thurs and a very slack even week. Seriously "imba" (learnt this new colloquialism from the younger kids on my turkey trip. aparently its a dota term. full word: imbalanced. every generation has its words. oh well.) But thank God today the ps tutorial ended an hour earlier cos it was the first lesson, as there was only admin stuff. Went to the forum to look for kakis to spend the hour with. The funny thing was, i didnt see any friends around but there was this very familiar looking girl sitting on the steps. I stared at her and she stared at me. And for some strange reason i went to sit down with her. Kinda...out of the ordinary. Then we started talking. She also found me very familiar but couldnt place how we knew each other. Then we started tracing back, trying to compare modules and trying to see if we had any mutual friends. took around 10 minutes to figure out that we had met in orientation for this game preparation thingy. And we had spoken only a few times. wowwee hahahaha. Then i accompanied her for lunch though i didnt eat much cos i had tapao-ed some breakfast from my hall. Somehow, it struck me as rather strange how 2 strangers who barely knew each other could sit down for lunch and have a good chat. And usually i'm not that friendly heh. Hmm. Maybe i'll find out the reason for this unusual gathering soon.

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