It's not dusk yet

It's not dusk yet

Friday, January 12, 2007

so you had a bad day

Gloom, like rain, shrouded the campus today. At least to me. It didn't help when i woke up and realised i had missed breakfast. Nor did it help when i tripped on the steps and broke my toenail. Nor the fact that the rain probably washed a gazillion microscopic germs and e colli into my open toe wound(i was wearing frictionless slippers so you can imagine me sloshing and water skiing around campus). And i had three really brain eating lectures. By the time i sat down to the 3rd lec foreign policy and diplomacy i was already pronounced brain dead. And that german lecturer is totally incompetent. His voice, screams "lullaby". Sian.
Havent been blogging much these days. I know i dont have any excuses except plain laziness la, now that im stranded in hall and there's no tv to distract me. Alright i'll try to blog a little more frequently folks. A little.

About hall life, the ups are having your own cosy little space where u can do whatever you want. Well at home its kinda similar except you don't have The Mum coming in every half an hour to nag. Or find her missing hand lotion. And you get to hang out with friends after midnight.

The downs: You tend to get fatter. Really fatter. Uh-oh. Probably its due to the tempting idea of having midnight supper with friends, to chit chat, etc. And the hall supper contains really sinful things like milo with a lot of whipped cream on top and cheese egg omelette with a huge gunk of tasty mayo on top. Totally beats Fong Seng hands down(in case you dunno, fong seng is this coffeeshop behind Eusoff Hall, a fav hangout place for midnight supperers. The food is mediocre and i suspect, rather unhygenic.) But the fonder thing about Fong Seng is the environment. The noisy coffee shop with the grease, the sweat and roadside pollution. Whereas the hall dining room is too clean. Different ambience la. And maybe cos you just had supper and are too lazy to move, you end up sitting there talking crap till 3am. Ok, so far i've only had one such experience. Haha...we sat there till the point kenneth and cavey started giving me ideas on what to name my future son. What Ruoal and Cristiano...Don't think i dunno those are soccer player names lor!-__-
Speaking of the supper, it was where i heard the most complimenting thing this week. Peirong said that she thinks i'm gonna get married off early. HAHAHAH...I just cannot imagine that happening. Don't think its cos i got some self deprecating low esteem. Just cannot imagine. With the help of the guys suaning me. I asked pr why and she said its cos i got this family oriented thing going on. Well, it could be an indirect way of saying im very motherly, which means im very aunty. Sheesh...As if my sec3s kias have not told me enough of that. Anyway i digress.

Havent really got down to any serious studying yet. Afterall, its just the first week mah. I really hope i can study here. And i only know the names of 5 pple in hall till date. Thats the bad thing about moving in mid sem. Can be a lil' lonely. Oh well. But i believe things will get better eventually.

And you'll start missing The Mum. Sometimes its great to just have her presence around. And those nutritous tong sui. And watching lame korean shows on tv together. =)

I also realised that this is a great opportunity to share the gospel. What better time to do so when its in the deep of the night and people start wondering about the secrets of the universe? Ok thats quite a stretch but i still think its a good way anyhow.

Lord, give me wisdom give me strength, to persevere on being your faithful servant.

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