It's not dusk yet

It's not dusk yet

Friday, December 22, 2006

happy day

Hmmm..still got jet lag from Turkey so decided to do a picture post. The Turkey one will have to come later as it requires loads of thinking heh.

Went to watch Night at the Museum with the girls today. Movie was super funny i love the easter island statue man...dumb dumb! Man, i really missed king's utter random nonsense, especially her strange ostrich like expressions. Missed weiheen...well everything about weiheen haha...and she looks so cute in braces!Meiying...still her usual ditzy self. We stopped to laugh at a poster of Gong li and her nearly exposed boobs again. Some things just never change.

I've no idea what's the occasion for the extravegance. I thought maybe it was for some Christmas celebration but then, seafood at Longbeach restaurant? Hardly any turkeys served. You guys are rich man...Haha..But once in a while ok la=)

The food was alright, pepper crab was pretty good. Some gals had misgivings over the drunken prawns cos they thought it was kinda cruel the way they were killed though they nv saw how the prawns were drowned. Hmmm as the saying goes, what u don't know can't kill you heh. Service not v good cos the drunken prawns came behind everything else. The waiter said the prawns simply did not wanna die(i remember his name tag said Sky Wu and we were all kinda sniggering at him). Overall, it was a rather enjoyable evening la haha...And that stupid ah teck came from behind to pop those restaurant napkins into my ear. Very funny ah.

bored and hungry

up and rising professional waiter

the other table

Kenneth went around saying I bought Gareth nicotine gums. I proved him wrong=p

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