It's not dusk yet

It's not dusk yet

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

100% carrot juice

i know very well that im supposed to be mugging. at the same time i seem to be having somewhat of a mini(argh no its giagantic) mr darcy craze. prob cos i just watched pride and prejudice on dvd again and been reading some bridget jones diary. dont get me wrong, i don't endorse premarital sex and promiscuity and the what not, but i did enjoy the book very much. its really funny. and it shows that at the end of it all, every girl wants a mr darcy to rescue them from some kind of beknowst trouble.
sigh...i want a mr darcy too.....
in this day and age you can't help being a little pessimistic about the postmodern chivalry, that it just can't match up with the good old fashioned jane austen books kind. where are all the knights in shining armour? the anonymity in doing something special for a lady? the little gentlemenly motions such as opening doors and offering to carry heavy things? in fact, i think in nus library i often end up holding doors out for men...ok i may be exaggerating a little. there are guys who are still alright.
i think i should stop myself before i start to sound even more feministic.

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